Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 1: Crazy Cousins

So today was the first day of my 365 photo challenge.  What better subjects than Emily and her wacky cousins sitting in the barn loft?  I gave up on trying to take a respectable portrait and just let them have it their way, which probably turned out the best.


  1. who needs "respectable" when you have this happy bunch! Cousins are the best ;-)

  2. I heard about all of the trouble they gave you. I think you did a great job it looks lie they were having a lot of fun. We wish we were there. Barb

  3. What a handsome bunch. I'll take them all, anytime, especially Emily. Yiayia

  4. How could you go wrong with all these knuckleheads in one place?? I saw all the other shots you took of them that day - you are a very patient man. I love the lighting, and just want to note that the girls are sophisticated and beautiful . . . the rest?? Well, they ARE boys!
