Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 50: Feed Me

My sister, Patti, repeatedly emails me that the salamander blog photos are "gross".  So this one is for you, Sis.  I can't get one to sit on quarter for size comparison, but these guys are still much smaller than a quarter.  Some have small rear legs, but most have only front legs, like this guy.  His stomach is full of grindal worms...another little culture of live food I am growing in the house for these critters


  1. Your wife is so lucky that you are growing all of this live food cultures.

  2. Very cool, hard to believe looking at the picture that this little guy is smaller than a quarter.

  3. You're saving so much money by growing their food yourself. How long until they are fully grown? And how large will that be? Would rather see Bailey.

  4. Saving money by growing live food myself? Nah, it is just that pet stores do not sell the live food these guys eat. I have a 10gal tank of daphnia going, and they need yeast and/or green algae water to eat. So I have seveal greeen mason jars on the window shelf growing algae to feed the daphnia to feed the salamander larvae. Also have tubs of small white worms (grindal worms) in the basement growing, which eat oatmeal and baby cereal. Then, Bailey sits on top of the aquarium trying to scoop out the salamander larvae with her paws when they swim by. We have quite the food web going on in our house.
