Monday, April 18, 2011

Day 24: Oatmeal Facial

School vacation week and Patriots Day today, so vacation for me as well.  For those of you who don't know what Patriots Day is, don't worry, it's a Massachusetts holiday.  Revolutionary War stuff and the Boston Marathon.

So what do two pre-teen cousins do on such a glorious day?  Stay inside and make their own version of an oatmeal and yogurt facial, of course.  Smelled pretty bad to me, but they kept it on for a while, complete with cucumber slices for their eyes.  Nicole is in the photo with Emily.  I'm trying to talk them into a hike today, but no luck so far.


  1. Nice family photo, but I think a hike would have been more fun.

  2. Mmmmmm . . . making me hungry!! If they keep it on til the morning they can have it for breakfast tomorrow!!
